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Oil Painting (Wednesday)

Members use code at checkout: Member


Vance is an amazing artist and teacher who will work with you to help you discover what style and subject matter you want to pursue as a beginning artist. For those who have already been painting, Vance will help you to continue to grow and improve your skills. Sign up now, as spaces are limited! Oil Paint Cadmium Red, (French)Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow. Titanium White. You can substitute any red, yellow and blue you can find. Odorless Turpentine(mineral spirits), small plastic container to hold a small amount of turpentine. Several brushes. 1/4" to 1/2". A palette, at least 10"x12", to mix paint on. A pad of palette paper will do. A plastic or metal palette knife. A roll of paper towels. An 8"x10" canvas Ages 16+

Starts Mar 26
155 US dollars
Arts in the Sunset

Available spots

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

You may cancel for a refund 1 week before the class start date for a $10 cancelation fee. No refunds or make-up dates will be offered for classes unattended.

Contact Details

  • 3701 Plains Blvd, Amarillo, TX, USA


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