Our most frequently asked questions
Members and students please read over for best practice and community
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FAQ's and Policies
Can I fire my pieces?
Clay firing is a member only benefit, join as a member and prices may vary per piece
Do I have to be a member
to join a class?
No. You can take a class without being a member. To learn more about member benefits, click here.
What's the difference between Class Sessions and Drop In?
Class Sessions are typically
8 weeks long, and purchased
together as a package.
A Drop In class is a singular class within that session if you aren't ready to take an 8 week course.
Do I need to bring my own supplies to class?
Yes. There is a supply
list for each class.
What is open studio time?
Members only may come in and work on individual projects
outside of class time
Can I bring
my own easel or table?
No. AAI provides easels
and worktables
Can I store my
supplies at AAI?
Members will be given wagon or storage space for personal supplies. All supplies must be kept in storage space, and not at a work space
Can I bring my own equipment?
This will be determined on an individual level. Equipment must be loaned to AAI or donated.
Can I bring my pet to class or open studio?
AAI is a pet free environment
AAI Policies
Students must pay for classes in full upon registration. We can accept cash and checks (on site only) and all major credit cards. Read course descriptions carefully for dates, times, and required supplies. AAI will send a confirmation email after registration
Cancellations and Refunds
In the event that a student must withdraw their registration from a class or workshop, AAI will issue a refund if the cancellation is made seven days prior to the start of the class less a $10 cancelation fee. There will be no refunds or pro-rating options for missed classes. No refunds are issued for cancellations made within seven (7) days of the first day of the scheduled class.
Workshops will not be refunded within 45 days of the start date.
AAI requires written permission for all students under the age of 18 who are enrolled in any adult course. Please contact education@amarilloartinstitute.org for if you are enrolling a minor. Minors must be accompanied by an adult (over 18) at all times during open studio time. Any minor that is unaccompanied may be asked to leave.
Make Up Date
AAI does not offer make- up dates for any student who is unable to attend class. Classes cannot be carried over from one session to another.
Artwork Pickup
If your class or workshop project (s) requires additional treatment after the course is over, AAI will contact you when work is completed and ready to be picked up. AAI does not ship work to students. Artwork will be held 60 days after the course end date. All work is subject to discard after the 60-day period.
AAI is a shared space for artist and students. Wagon storage and lockers space will be available for members. All members must keep shared space clean and clutter free. Shared spaces, and class spots may not be 'claimed'. All supplies must be put away after use.
Videos and Photographs
AAI reserves the right to use photographs and/or videos taken during classes and other programs to market and promote AAI and it's programs. Any person or legal guardian who does not wish to have their child photographed, or photographed themselves must notify director@amarilloartinstitute.org upon registration.
Code of Conduct
Members are expected to be respectful of Arts in the Sunset. This includes all members, studio artists, class attendee’s, and the facilities. Members may not:
Intrude on other members art supplies, projects, class time or personal space.
Threaten, bring weapons, or use language that is vulgar, inappropriate or sexual in nature.
Speak negatively (including on social media) about AAI or Arts in the Sunset to others publicly
Damage our property inside or out in anyway
Recruit AAI members for outside classes or private lessons
Host an unauthorized private class or lesson at AAI. All instructors must be approved.
Policies can be updated and changed. For most
up to date policy, click on Full Policy List.
What are your prices?
Prices are individualized per event. Please make an appointment to discuss pricing
What sizes are your space?
We have several spaces ranging from 1,500 square foot to 15,000 square foot